Sfard, A. (2021). Bewitched by language: Questions on language for mathematics education researcher. In N. Planas, C. Morgan, & M. Schütte (Eds.), Classroom research on mathematics and language (pp. 41 - 59). London: Routledge.
Sfard, A. (2020). Learning, discursive fault lines, and dialogic engagement In N. Mercer, R. Wegerif, & L. Major (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education (pp. 89-99). Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Chan, M. C. E., & Sfard, A. (2020). On learning that could have happened: The same tale in two cities. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 60.
Lavie, I., & Sfard, A. (2019). How children individualize numerical routines: Elements of a discursive theory in making. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 28(4-5), 419-461 doi:10.1080/10508406.2019.1646650; https://www.tandfonline.com › doi › full › 10508406.2019.1646650
Sfard, A. (2019). Making sense of identities as sense-making devices - a commentary. ZDM - Mathematics Education, 51(3), 555-564. doi:10.1007/s11858-019-01058-4
Sfard, A. (2018). On the need for a theory of mathematics learning and the promise of ‘commogniton’. In P. Ernest (Ed.), Philosophy of mathematics education today, pp. 219-228. Cham, Switzerland: Springer
Lavie, I., Steiner, A., & Sfard, A. (2018). Routines we live by: From ritual to exploration. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 101, 153–176. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10649-018-9817-4
Sfard, A. (2015). Learning, commognition and mathematics. In D. Scott & E. Hargreaves (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Learning, pp. 129-138. London: Sage.
Sfard, A. (to appear ). Not just so stories: Practicing discursive research for the benefit of educational practice. In V. Farnsworth & Y. Solomon (Eds.), What works in education? Bridging theory and practice in research London: Routledge.
Sfard, A. (to appear ). Why all this talk about talking classroom? Theorizing the relation between talking and learning. In L. Resnick & C. Asterhan (Eds.): AERA.
Sfard, A. (2012). Research problems in mathematics education revisited: New clothes – and no emperor. For the learning of mathematics, 32 (2), 3 - 5.
Sfard, A. (2012). Why Mathematics? What Mathematics? - Guest editorial. The Mathematics Educator, 22 (1 ), 3-16.
Sfard, A. (2012). Developing mathematical discourse - Some insights from communicational research. International Journal of Educational Research, 51 – 52, 1–9.
Caspi, S. and A. Sfard (2012). Spontaneous meta-arithmetic as a the first step toward school algebra. International Journal of Educational Research. 51 - 52, 45–65.
Kim, D.-J., J. Ferrini-Mundy, et al. (2012). Does language impact mathematics learning ? Comparing English and Korean speaking university students' discourses on infinity. International Journal of Educational Research. 51 – 52, 86–108.
Heyd-Metzuyanim, E. and A. Sfard (2012). On learning mathematics as an interplay of mathematizing and identifying. International Journal of Educational Research. 51 – 52, 128-145.
Sfard, Anna (2011). Discourse and learning. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Vol. 4, pp. 997-1001.Berlin: Springer.
Sfard, A. (2009). Disabling Numbers: On the secret charm of the numberese and why it should be resisted In L. Black, H. Mendick & Y. Solomon (Eds.), Mathematical Relationships in Education (pp. 9 - 19). London Routledge.
Sfard, A. (2009 ). Metaphors in education In H. Daniels, J. Porter & H. Lauder (Eds.), Educational theories, cultures and learning: A critical perspective (pp. 39-49). London Routledge.
Sfard, A. (2007). When the rules of discourse change, but nobody tells you: Making sense of mathematics learning from a commognitive standpoint. To appear in Journal for Learning Sciences, 16(4), 567–615.
Sfard, A. (2006). Participationist discourse on mathematics learning. In J. Maaß & W. Schlöglmann (Eds.) New mathematics education research and practice (153-170). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers B.V.
Ben-Yehuda, M., Lavy, I., Linchevski, L., & Sfard, A. (2005). Doing wrong with words or What bars students’ access to arithmetical discourses The Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 36(3 ), 176 - 247.
Sfard, A., & Prusak, A. (2005) . Telling identities: In search of an analytic tool for investigating learning as a culturally shaped activity. Educational Researcher 34(4), 14-22
Sfard, A. (2005). What changes when learning goes to school: Thecommunicational version, the case of mathematics. European Journal of School Psychology, 3(1), 57-82.
Sfard, A. & Kieran, C. (2001). Cognition as communication: Rethinking learning-by-talking through multi-faceted analysis of students’ mathematical interactions. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 8(1), 42-76.
Sfard, A. (2001). Balancing the unbalanceable: The NCTM Standards in the light of theories of learning mathematics. In J. Kilpatrick, Martin, G., & Schifter, D. (Eds.), A Research Companion for NCTM Standards (pp. 353-392). Reston, VA: National Council for Teachers of Mathematics.
Sfard, A. (2000). Symbolizing mathematical reality into being: How mathematical discourse and mathematical objects create each other. In P. Cobb,K. E. Yackel, & K. McClain (Eds), Symbolizing and communicating: perspectives on Mathematical Discourse, Tools, and Instructional Design (pp. 37-98). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Sfard, A. (2000). Steering (dis)course between metaphor and rigor: Using focal analysis to investigate the emergence of mathematical objects. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 31(3), 296-327.
Sfard, A. (2000). On reform movement and the limits of mathematical discourse. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 2(3), 157-189.
Sfard, A. (1998). On two metaphors for learning and the dangers of choosing just one. Educational Researcher, 27(2), pp. 4-13.
Sfard, A. (1995). The development of algebra: Confronting historical and psychological perspectives. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 14, 15-39.
Sfard, A. (1994). Reification as a birth of a metaphor. For the Learning of Mathematics, 14(1), 44-55.
Sfard, A. & Linchevski, L. (1994). The gains and the pitfalls of reification: The case of algebra. Educational Studies in Mathematics , 26, 191-228.
Sfard, A.(1991). On the dual nature of mathematical conceptions: reflections on processes and objects as different sides of the same coin. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 22, 1-36.